A tribute to the unsung heavy rock songs and heros of the 70s. Janne Stark + guests


The Mountain of power albums

There are five Mountain of Power albums available on Grooveyard Records and  Stark Music

Volume One

Covers of Budgie, Montrose, Wireless, Stray Dog, Derringer, Marcus, Moxy, Goddo etc.

Released in 2007 (CD only)

Volume Two

Covers of Blackfoot, Trigger, Trapeze, Rory Gallagher, Resurrection Band, UFO etc.

Released in 2010 (CD only)

Volume Three

Covers of Kansas, Cain, April Wine, Walter Rossi, Neil Merryweather, The Hunt, Boomerang, Triumph etc.

Released in 2015 (CD + 2LP)

Volume Four

Covers of Thin Lizzy, The Babys, Three Man Army, Bang, Rockicks, Legs Diamond, Sweet, Riot, Bux etc.

Released in 2020 (CD + 2LP)

Volume Five

Covers of Black Sabbath, Angel, White Wing, Totty, Scorpions, Hydra, Axis, Humble Pie etc.

Released in 2023 (CD + 2LP)

Guest Musicians

The Mountain of Power albums had not been possible without the fantasic guests such as Rob Lamothe, Rusty Burns (RIP), John Norum, Carl Dixon, Ty Tabor, John Garner (RIP), Neil Merryweather (RIP), Greg Martin, Jarred England, Paul Gurvitz, Paul Shortino, Kee Marcello, Michael Denner, Hank Shermann, Jonas Hansson, Ken Hammer, Clas Yngström, etc etc etc.


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